Valve ha comenzado las pruebas de la remodelación del mapa Inferno, mapa de su shooter competitivo, el Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
Hace unos meses Vavle retiró el mapa Inferno de las competiciones oficiales porque querían remodelar por completo todo el mapa (tal y como paso con Nuke) para poder equilibrarlo un poco más y que no fuese un mapa tan CT. Pues desde hoy ha comenzado las pruebas en una fase beta del mismo.
Para probar el mapa y enviar a Valve nuestras impresiones deberemos de unirnos al programa de betas de CS:GO y seleccionar la ““. Para quien no sepa unirse al programas de betas en Steam:
- Click derecho sobre el juego, en este caso Counter Strike: Global Offensive
- Pulsar sobre propiedades
- Ir a la pestaña de Betas
- Seleccionar la
Además del cambio de Inferno, se han introducido los siguientes cambios (ingles):
- Added a 0.4 second cooldown to the crouch button to reduce the visual noise from spamming crouch in the air.
- This is tunable via the convar sv_timebetweenducks.
- Fixed a case where a player’s crouch state did not match the state of the +duck key. The most noticeable case was when taking over a bot that was crouching.
- Adjusted bomb plant animation when planting the bomb while already crouched.
- Fixed a bug where molotovs/incendiary grenades did not generate flames when they exploded on the corner of a ledge.
- Reduced viewmodel rotational effect when pointing a weapon at near-vertical angles
Xbox Game DVR
- Added a performance recommendation for Windows 10 users explaining how to disable Game DVR if it is enabled.
- Sniper scopes are much more responsive to your actual accuracy; the blur is driven by your current inaccuracy.
- NOTE: There are no gameplay changes to scoped accuracy. The display now more-correctly represents your current inaccuracy.
- Crosshair blur fidelity improved.
- New console variable cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy (default 0) includes standing inaccuracy and spread in your sniper crosshair blur.
- Gameplay convars for community servers & workshop maps:
- weapon_air_spread_scale (default 1): Games that focus on air combat can set this to a lower value to improve weapon accuracy for players in the air.
- sv_enablebunnyhopping (default 0): Disables the air-velocity clamping to 110% of maximum running speed.
- sv_autobunnyhopping (default 0): Holding +jump causes players to automatically re-jump at the exact landing tick.
Por último, os dejo con unas imágenes sacadas de la nueva versión de Inferno: